This page exists to give the top bar something to link to. I may fill it out more later.
For now, I will give you a list of pages that are mine.
- > Current porftolio website. Things I have made.
- Missed Adventures of Loco > The blog that was previously on but then was relocated to
- Soundcloud: MaddenedMan > My Soundcloud page. A bunch of music and things I’ve made.
- > A personal website
- > A personal blog
- I baked a thing > Not working at the moment, but when it was, it was pretty good.
- > Yeah, I’m not sure why I have this either.
- > A portfolio website, not the best one I have.
- MaddenedMan Site 2 > A better portfolio website (pretty old now though)
- LachEye > Another website
- > Not anything at the moment. A bundle of potential.
For social media reasons, I can be Twitted at.
- @MaddenedMan > This is for internet things
- @LachFM > This is a replacement for LachlanFMacleod, which locked me out and was too long a name anyway.