The biscuits were quite nice, if a bit dry and crumbly. The photograph, however, finally gained the approval of one of my sisters.
In an attempt to replicate my previous brownie-esque success, I made coconut chocolate brownies in a quiche dish.
I had seen this recipe in the book many times, but had been unsure of using it. Partially because we lacked the canned peaches, but partially because of the added requirement of making short pastry. As it turns out, I…
This loaf suffered from Me-Using-Expired-Baking-Powderitis. It was flat. But it was still nice.
The question “What shall we have for dinner?” arose. Ordering pizza was offered as an option, but I felt up to the task, and leapt a the opportunity to figure out how these “pizza” things were made.
My little sister requested hamburgers, having enjoyed the buns of the previous night. I was happy to comply.
Only insofar as I had not baked bread at this point.
I noticed a fair number of recipes calling for an already-cooked sponge. This included lamingtons and the like. A sponge seemed a good number to add to my repertoire.
After a long day, I decided to bake something familiar. Recalling the success of the previous carrot cake, I attempted to bake it again.
Wishing to branch out from what I perceived to be a particular section of baking, perhaps the “Confectionary” section, I baked a lemon loaf.