It’s Friday again!
This week has been a hard one, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s winter in Australia. You may not think that this is possible, but as has been pointed out to me, as the temperatures only stay below bearable levels for two weeks, Australia is unprepared for it. It almost seems a waste to do anything about the cold when it only lasts that long. Nonetheless, the high humidity and 4 degree Celsius temperature come together to cause discomfort to all those in their thin jumpers and summer trousers.
This is made worse by my bedroom window, which is broken. For some reason, the idiot who put it in in the first place put the sliding window unit in upside down, so it leaves about two inches of open window for the cold air to come in through.
This may have aided in this week’s depression, in which I pretty much gave up on psychology, and found that I had no motivation to do anything.
But alas, somehow my week was brightened up by my haircut. Strange as it seems, getting my hair cut (it was a bit below shoulder level) to a respectable office length made me feel a lot brighter. I still have no idea what I’m going to do but somehow it doesn’t matter as much.
Or maybe it’s just the good cup of coffee I had before the haircut. Either way.
But enough of the whinge-bagging. I’m thinking of rewriting the last episode of Ethan Ramsey, but I haven’t got around to it yet, so I may have to release it as is. Unfortunately, this means that the story won’t be as good as I had hoped. But alas, there is still time.
I think that’s enough for now. See you later.