Today is Monday. It is working time. This means a few things:
1. I have just finished the weekend, which was full of fun, folly and freedom. My brain is still partially in Triple F mode, and I want to be at home.
2. I’m not at home, I am at work, doing work related things.
3. The clash of 1 and 2 was evident in my body’s reluctance to allow any part of me to portrude from under the covers into the cold and frosty air of the morning, at 6:30am.
4. My mind’s reluctance to function due to the shortness of sleep the night before is having a sharp effect on my working.
5. There are only four days left until the weekend. This, along with the warmth and comfort of a nice hot coffee are the only saving graces of a cold Monday morning.
Just in case you’re wondering, I am currently working in a clerical job for a small business (I am the Office Manager, yay for positions). I’m completing a Certificate III in Business Administration, mostly just for the piece of paper. It is now half-way through the year, of a one year on-the-job course, and I find it hard to convince myself to stay in this job beyond that one year.
Currently, I am considering psychology as a mode of income past the end of this year. I have a couple of other ideas of where to go, but this seems to be the most prominent (and well-paying) of them.
But alas, I have an entire 6 months in which to consider these choices.
Oh, while you’re here, have a read of my latest Short story series, Ethan Ramsey (It’s on I’m currently up to episode 08, and it’s going up to episode 10 before I have a break or start a new series.
I’ve had a couple of ideas about the next series I am going to write for the website, although I’m not sure if I’ll start straight away or have a break.
Here are some general ideas (without giving away the actual ideas that I’ve had about them):
- A journey series: The main character is on a final journey to a distant land, in an attempt to escape to a place where there are no people. Along the way he passes through several villages, and lends a much-needed hand, asking nothing in return.
- A character-based series: A main character has been placed in a team of individuals, who have been given a strict objective.
- A relationship-based series: The main character goes through the usual throes of attempting to court a girl he likes. (It’s a thought. It would be boring to write, and probably boring to read)
- An inter-planetary colony has been formed and must attempt to thrive. (This could open up an armada of possibilities)
- Or I could write another season of Ethan Ramsey. It would probably have longer episodes, and would have a new antagonist. It may even shed some light on the past and character of Ethan Ramsey.
In case you haven’t realised, I made these summaries very basic, and the actual series would have a lot more to them than that.
Meanwhile, I am currently in correspondence with a friend of mine named Chris ( in regards to a computer game which he would like me to write the story for. As of yet that is all I think I need to say about the project.
I’ll attempt to fill up the links section of this blog some time soon, with websites of friends etcetera. If you’d like me to put your site in (if I know you or etcetera), let me know, you can email me at loco @ maddenedman . com
I believe that is all for now.
See you soon,
Loco (The Maddened Man)